© 1999 by Michelle Keim,
Commander of Royersford VFW Post 6341 in PA.
As we stand here looking
At the flags upon these graves
Know these flags represent
A few of the true American brave
No matter which war was fought
On the day that they died
I stand here looking at these flags
Filled with American pride.
Take home with you a sense of pride
You were here Memorial Day.
Celebrating the way Americans should
On this solemnest of days.
5:30am the calmness of the morning and the overwhelming numbers of graves and dead soldiers silence in every direction of the peninsula, I was overwhelmed with silence, solitude and memories. Freedom to think and be grateful to be an American on this day!
With loving respect, I bring my dobermans, the breed that helped the fight in WWII also
known as "devil dogs".
A note placed on Memorial Day touched my heart!
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